Karen Elhai

Slow Crawling Down the NC Coast

Heading south along the ICW, we take time to explore some new stops in North Carolina with a healthy mix of breezing through familiar ones. We take side trip to New Bern and Wilmington, finding them both great visits loaded with history and culture.

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Summer on the Chesapeake Part 3: A Series of Unfortunate Events

We depart Baltimore heading back south along the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake. It’s only a matter of a hours before we realize we have an engine problem. Then the problems keep coming as we continue south, ultimately proving the most challenging three weeks we’ve had since starting this cruising adventure as the Ladies Luck and Doom engage in combat. Despite it all we still see some great towns and enjoy new stops in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Summer on the Chesapeake Part 2: Big Cities on The Bay

We spend a week in Washington DC with visiting family, then head back down the Potomac and up to Baltimore. Stops range from a peaceful anchorage to small remote marinas to the very nautical and familiar town of Annapolis.

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Summer on the Chesapeake: Part 1

It’s summer on the Chesapeake for us! We start with a visit to Smithfield VA on the James River, then spend 4th of July in Hampton before heading up the western side of the Chesapeake to the Potomac River. Colonial and Civil War history abounds, as well as personal history for us, as we make our way along this first leg of our Tour de Chesapeake up to Washington DC.

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