Cruising the ICW

Re-engaging With The ICW

It’s been an intense two months.  The first was a fast run up the coast from Florida to Virginia with nearly daily travel, made fun by traveling with friends.  Next was a busy month of appointments, projects, and happenings.  Throughout it all, we find ourselves reflecting more and moe on Life After Boat.

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Slow Crawling Down the NC Coast

Heading south along the ICW, we take time to explore some new stops in North Carolina with a healthy mix of breezing through familiar ones. We take side trip to New Bern and Wilmington, finding them both great visits loaded with history and culture.

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Closing The Loop

From Ft. Pierce, we planned for a sprint of near-daily travel to get us the final couple hundred miles to our Loop Finish Line in St. Augustine.  The route takes us through Eau Gallie, Titusville, Daytona, and Palm Coast before we arrive back where our Loop started, thus crossing our wake. It seemed straightforward, but of course Mother Nature laughs in the face of even the best laid voyage plan. 

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The Home Stretch

We start up the east coast of Florida, beginning with crossing Biscayne Bay to get back onto the ICW.  Making our way past ridiculously extravagant homes and boats, we stop in Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Stuart before arriving for a month long stay in Ft. Pierce.  There we completely slow down, enjoying just living and visits from friends. 

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Yes, Virginia, We’re BA-aaaack

We return to the very familiar Hampton Roads area, setting up shop for a month plus stay to go through the Life Maintenance Checklist.  We also spend a week at the Looper Rendezvous in Norfolk.  Click the Google Map button below to open the map  in a separate window.  There you can zoom in/out, and

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Blowin’ through North Carolina

Lots of travel days as high winds force us to make quicker time through North Carolina than we had originally planned.  But being our third time along this stretch of the ICW, these are familiar towns and stops.  We see spring emerging and continued recovery in many of our repeat stops compared to last year. 

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