Karen Elhai

Photo Blog: Chesapeake Bay Part 2 — the Eastern Shore

Part Two of our Chesapeake Bay Cruise! Following the first half where we moved north along the western side of the Bay, the second half was a return south along the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia.  After the larger and more touristy Yorktown, Solomons, and Annapolis, this side of the Chesapeake.  Quieter but still

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Photo Blog: Cruising North on the Chesapeake Bay

I’m going to try something new. I have a lot of photos, so thought I’d do more of a Photo Blog – pictures of where we’ve been with any stories that might go with them, but maybe not necessarily connected by a theme or anything.  Just random stuff from the places we go and the

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What’s In a Name?

After a month of being on the move, we arrived in Portsmouth VA with the plan to spend the month in one place in order to get some things done.  We could settle in a bit and not have to batten everything down daily, run through checklists, and the mental gymnastics of daily route planning. 

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Leisure and Leisurely: They aren’t the Same thing

Cruising may be a leisurely lifestyle, but it most definitely is not a life of leisure.   It didn’t take long to figure out the difference between the two.  As we headed into the final leg of our trip up the Atlantic ICW to Norfolk we were fine tuning our own style.  In general, the pace

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Mystery and Mastery

We passed Mile Marker 483 as we continued along our way up the ICW into South Carolina, which for us was the halfway point between our destination of Portsmouth, VA (MM 0) and our departure from Fort Pierce, FL (which was MM 966).  In the two weeks we had been cruising, we had already learned

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Did you hear That?

So many noises on a boat, yet there is still a peace and calm about the lifestyle such that I don’t find myself wanting to turn down the volume.  Of course, on a power boat there is always the drone of the engines when underway.  There are a lot of additional noises when we’re underway

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To See At Last

We have started our journey on the water – finally!  What a great feeling to finally add the Wander part to the Wander, See, Share moniker of our KDSeefari adventure.  And we’ve thoroughly enjoyed our first week of cruising.  But to pick up where I left off at the end of the last blog, I

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Living La Vida Boat-ah

We are ready to start actually cruising!   We checked off two major items on our to-do list that will enable us to start moving.  The first is that Dave got his Boat Remote!  Ours is called Docking Master, and the engineer who helped develop it also installed it.  He brought along a younger man

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