Life Aboard

Marooned at the big chute

  Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.        -Charles R. Swindoll The difference between adventure and adversity is attitude.    –Janet Evanovich August 19-25, 2022 There are times with the cruising lifestyle when things happen beyond your control that stop you cold.  Weather is probably

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A Marina Village

We’ve spent most of summer and early fall in marinas.   We’ve always felt it’s those we meet that make any location or event memorable.  With our new boat life we are finding this to be all the more true, and between our time as transients while cruising (one or two day stays) and the

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High & Dry

Just finished a week in the boatyard getting some planned – and unplanned – maintenance completed.  While this is a routine part of living on a boat, it was all new to us and a learning experience.     You may recall from a few blogs ago that we were struggling to find people to do

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What’s In a Name?

After a month of being on the move, we arrived in Portsmouth VA with the plan to spend the month in one place in order to get some things done.  We could settle in a bit and not have to batten everything down daily, run through checklists, and the mental gymnastics of daily route planning. 

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Leisure and Leisurely: They aren’t the Same thing

Cruising may be a leisurely lifestyle, but it most definitely is not a life of leisure.   It didn’t take long to figure out the difference between the two.  As we headed into the final leg of our trip up the Atlantic ICW to Norfolk we were fine tuning our own style.  In general, the pace

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Did you hear That?

So many noises on a boat, yet there is still a peace and calm about the lifestyle such that I don’t find myself wanting to turn down the volume.  Of course, on a power boat there is always the drone of the engines when underway.  There are a lot of additional noises when we’re underway

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